What types of issues can personal therapy help with?

People seek counselling or psychotherapy for many different reasons. Though counselling can be used to discuss any concern, these are some of the more common personal issues we can explore and resolve.

  • stress and anxiety

  • anger management

  • self-esteem and confidence issues

  • problems within personal relationships

  • relationship breakdown

  • loss and bereavement

  • grief

  • physical health

  • family issues

  • carer support

  • addiction

  • sexuality

  • gender

  • career or work-related matters

  • counselling for students in training

  • personal development

  • meaning and purpose of life issues

  • issues arising from physical, emotional or sexual abuse

  • coping with transition

  • personal problem solving

  • sexual and intimacy issues

  • eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia)

  • cancer and cancer treatment challenges

  • obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • phobias

  • co-dependency

  • self-harming behaviour

  • depression / unhappiness

  • suicidal thoughts

  • bullying

  • trauma

  • childhood issues

  • pregnancy support (can include unplanned pregnancy, fetal anomaly diagnosis support, miscarriage or post termination support)

  • infertility issues or IVF support

  • parenting

If you are experiencing a crisis and in need of support, please contact your GP, South Doc or nearest A&E Department.



One to One Counselling (including Skype/Zoom sessions): €80 - €150/hour

Counselling is a private and personal experience and evolves from the unique relationship that develops between you and your counsellor. If you would like to arrange your first appointment, click the button for the ‘Contact’ page.